Wednesday 22 October 2008

My 6th week at college (well almost!)

Well OK I'm having an essay crisis and to be honest I was just going to write a sentence to say something along those lines but...

Was chatting to God this morning (after being in a right grump about how little I'd achieved the night before and how the children had made me cross and ...) and really felt like he was saying that I want Him to help me out with my work and honour all the effort I've put in on this essay but actually I haven't honoured Him. I want Him to come and fix my problems but I'm not spending time with Him and seeking His priorities.

Then Zoe in the morning devotions was talking about how we want God to come and heal us so we are better but actually God heals us so that we can serve Him and carry out His purposes.

Man! I was so blown away by this - before my essay was everything and I was trying to apply God to my essay and my priorities but actually it's Him that's to be the priority.

I just felt this wave of peace come over me and I was totally changed - from panic and stress to reliance on God - I can't describe the transformation I am so different in my outlook and I'm really looking forward to doing my essay...right now in fact...


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