Sunday 14 September 2008

My first week at college

Gosh! So much has happened in one week - I'm a bit at a loss how to summarise it all! But here goes...

My first essay
Well I had to write a 1,000 word "critical review" detailing interpretation (what was the purpose of the book), technical analysis (how did the author set about doing it) and judgement (did they achieve the purpose). I choose to do it on:
"The return of the prodigal son" by Henri Nouwen
Well it was a bit of a shock writing an essay at first - but once I started it seemed that the words just kept flowing (not that I'm at all talkative! :D ). Ended up having to ignore the quotes in my word count to get it under the limit and finished by 2am Monday morning (I wasn't the latest - Lucy was up to 3am!).
What did I think of it? (I love writing a blog - as I get to make up the questions!)
Well to be honest given the prodigal son is about God's fatherly love for his children and how he delighted he is when we say sorry (and boy do I need to hear this):
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.
"The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'
"But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.
He seemed to spend more time talking about the darkness and struggle away in the foreign land than the return and the kindness of God. :**:

My first week
Well this was an induction week so I got to know my fellow 26 students (I'm not the oldest!) via a facebook ice breaker (you would've loved it Katy and Jo!), we got a tour of the centre, the library and the kitchen (as we'll be cooking meals for the group and others as part of our serving), we also got to learn about our learning styles (turns out I'm an activist - want to get on and do it - not brilliant at listening nor yet at crystallising their mixed up thoughts...this is so not me...:roll: ahem!).
Found out where we're going on our mission trip...only allowed to say "North Africa" in a blog and not allowed to mention the group who we'll be partnering with to ensure their safety. Living on the edge, eh? 88|
Also started to talk about our community service placements (as what we believe will impact how we act - if it doesn't then we have to question whether we really believe it). Think God wants me visiting prisons and/or working with the homeless rather than working with the youth this space! Am I terrified? :-/
Friday was the freakiest day of all. Last year's students all prayed for this year's bunch and were asked to write down what they felt God wanted to say. We were also told to get with God for half an hour and write down what we felt He wanted to say as well. It was terrifying and exciting all at the same time (is it me? is it Him? what if we hear nothing? :??:)
Then we fed-back (is that the right word? I really should write this blog earlier in the evening!) what we felt God was specifically saying to each student in turn and then had the things the students wrote last year read out.
It was mind-blowing how many of the things we felt God was saying to a particular individual were identical to what the students had written last year (do bear in mind they had never met any of us) and also how appropriate they were to that individual. Yes I believe God is very much alive and active but when He speaks to us so explicitly it can be just a bit terrifying (eek - He knows everything!) as well as exhilarating (wow - He's really that interested in me!!)
Think that this might just summarise how this year is going to be...:>>

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