Sunday 7 December 2008

My 12th week at college

Welcome back for the next installment...

Well after the last week's dramatics this week was a bit of a come down...though we did have some great feedback on David's eye (you may recall that his retina was detaching again and his vision becoming much restricted, some of the girls prayed for him and it got much better) - he went to see the specialist on Monday who confirmed that it was fine and no surgery is required anymore. Hurrah! :D

We were studying the nature and character of God this week - so looking at His essence (spiritual, self-existence, immensity, eternality), His attributes (omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence, immutability, glory, sovereignty) and His character (holiness, graciousness, etc)

And having many exciting conversations about reconciling our free-will with God's sovereignty...but that would require a whole blog to itself...:b so moving swiftly along...

Creative bit
The third day was a chance for us to creatively respond (sounds a bit arty to me...|-| ). But below is my attempt to delve into the fatherhood of God. I hope you enjoy:

Before you were born I knew you.
It was my idea that you were created.
I spoke and you came into being.
My delight in your birth was far greater than your earthly parents.


I am strong; a mighty whirlwind
Yet I am also tender
My gaze perceives all, lays secrets bare, brings down kingdoms
Yet you are the apple of my eye


I move all heaven and earth when you call out to me
I delight in being your helper
Time, nations and galaxies are in my hands
My plans are perfect for you


I know the thoughts of all men's hearts
Yet I am interested in your thoughts
When other may get bored and move on
I am patient and will stop time to spend this moment with you


I am intimately acquainted with your sorrows
I know the words that will soothe you
I am moved with compassion
when others may tire of you


I love seeing you grow up and learn from me
I told the mountains to rise up
I formed the oceans in the cup of my hands
Yet I am a gentle teacher


I created the heavens and the earth for your enjoyment
I delight in each moment of discovery you make
My strong arm is never too short
My reach encompasses the universe
My affection outlasts the stars
I am your father
You are my child.

Third place
Well we did a Ghanian and Romanian culture session at Tumbling Bay old peoples home. It was great to learn a bit more about Daniella's and Beverley's culture.

I was very moved by Daniella's parents laying the table with all the cutlery and praying a blessing over the food when they had none in the house...only to have the neighbour knock on the door when they finished praying with bread...beautiful.

However we did get in trouble as Daniella and Beverley were praying for one of the ladies who was not feeling well. Apparantly that's just not on in the communal area (no "religious meetings"). Probing further about how come they can have a carol concert - the answer was that they can sing but not pray. So we can sing to Jesus but not talk to him. Bizarre! :## So thinking of some clever way to obey the ruling but still reach the people there with the good news.

Well it's late and I'm I'll post the 12 week scan of our little one on next week's entry and chat about reflections next time. Catch you later...:wave:

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