Friday 21 November 2008

My 9th week at college

Well I really am getting behind with blogging - sorry was in Derby for a couple of days this week!

So a short sweet report and the next one will follow fairly swiftly!

Church History (part 2)
Well last week we did the reformation and onwards and how it wasn't just Luther but many people challenging the corruptness of the papacy (their mistresses, inquisition, selling of "indulgences" and the like) and their traditions which didn't stand up to scripture (as people read the original Greek texts which were released from Constantinople just before it fell. These showed just how poor Jerome's Latin "Vulgate" translation was, which said things like "do penance" instead of "repent").

Also went through the very messy English reformation (which made me just cry out to God and repent for our nation). And then the various revivals where social action (John Wesley, William Booth, Wilberforce, Shaftsbury, George Muller), spiritual outpourings (eg Welsh revival under Evan Roberts) and then God's miraculous healings (through Smith Wigglesworth and George & Stephen Jeffreys and the like) were key. Some of the healings just made our jaws drop and even us Christians who have seen God do amazing things (eg my sisters epilepsy cured, my friend's blindness cured, my wife's polycystic ovaries cured) were just shouting "no way!" 88|. Great stuff.

Tumbling Bay
This week we organised skittles (ie indoor bowling) for the old people - have to say they (and we) had a great time. We're in Derby next week but the week after we will be doing Romanian and Ghanian dance and music courtesy of Daniella and Beverley, respectively.

Little jellybean is still with us and our 12 week scan is on 25th Nov. Unfortunately, Jen's SPD has progressed very quickly this time and she is already on crutches and finding it hard to do many of her jobs. However the OTs will be coming round next week to assess her and provide various zimmer products ;D to help her around the house and various people from the church are already volunteering to help with housework, cooking and lifts from school.

It's been a really amazing week for devotions so much so that they've had to delay starting the lectures as we were overwhelmed with His presence and love. For me I was really moved when Joe said in his devotions "we came to college for that Sunday Resurrection feeling but are finding out that we have to go through the Good Friday first" - I had been feeling that Jen's pregnancy (meaning I won't be able to go on the mission trip) and disability (meaning I'm late to college each morning and so miss out a bit on devotions) will mean that I'll miss out what God's got for me and my year is wasted.

However after dropping off Lizzie and Josiah to school in the car (and so already being late) I was miserably trying to get my moped started (don't buy Piaggio :no:) and I was suddenly overwhelmed by the delicious irony of the situation - here I was trying to get to college so I wouldn't miss out on what God had for me in the devotions and I felt Him say that I was missing out on what He had for me in my troubles!

He was right I was limiting God to only speaking and moving in one particular way! I suddenly realised that this isn't out of God's will - as if He didn't know what was going to happen this year - this is what he has for me - these are the circumstances that I need to go through to grow and mature (one of the key things I had been praying to happen this year). So yes we're still going to pray for healing for Jen's SPD (...Claire at Didcot church was miraculously healed of this) but I'm also embracing all He has for me at this time. Bring it on! :lalala:

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